Sustainability Newsletters

(photo: 5th May 2012, in Sir Joseph Banks Park)

Environmentally & Sustainability Speaking Newsletter Supplements for the Kooloora Community Newsletter from 2004-2015.

42 Summer-2015 Port Botany 10 year Review; Shipping Emissions; Dangerous Goods; Citizen Science meets Planning Regulation and Community ‘Consultation’

41 Autumn-2015 Toxic Neighbourhoods and Risk Communication

40 Summer 2014 Sprummer; EPA Upper House Inquiry; Take the Pledge on Litter; QuestaBird; Bird Fair; PlanetFest; Nature Conservation Council Annual Conference; Blair Comley appointed to head NSW bureaucracy; VegSafe; Congwong Beach top clean beach; Bathing Birds; HCB Stockpile

39 Winter-2014 Orica’s HCB stockpile – Banksmeadow NO!; Germany NICHT!!; Denmark NEJ!!! – will it be France NON!!!!; The Light Rail $ Trail; Auditor General reports on EPA in lead up to Upper House Review of EPA; Litter Grants; Risk Assessment for Port Botany; Blast from the Past – Sir Joseph Banks Zoo; Bikes Botany Bay next meeting 21 July; Port Botany and the Premiers that expanded, leased and ‘sold’ it.

38 Autumn-2014 Eastern Australia a tsunami hotspot; New Minister for the Environment; Clean-up notice to Caltex; Noise from Port Botany; Qenos Annual Awards; Self-interest a barrier to better infrastructure; Public Infrastructure Inquiry; Media Watch; Bikes Botany Bay

37 Summer-2013 Botany Bay Council recommends against Bunnings; Randwick Labor Councillors now back Heavy Rail; Port Botany – our growing neighbour; Summerama events; Link between Alzheimer’s disease and lead; Ted Mack Oration; Productivity Commission Inquiry into public infrastructure; Chief Scientist’s free e-book; Free event February 1 Museum of Sydney; Emergency App; Compost; EPA update.

36 Spring-2013 Tribute to Nancy Hillier; La Perouse Chinese Market Gardens; Fishing on North Botany Bay; Malabar Terraces; Self-Provisioning; EPA Mercury Review; Botany and the Bay exhibition; Australia Last Summer

35 Winter-2013 Major Fire in Botany; Climate Change – Murdoch, Obama, Rudd on same page; EPA Mercury Review; Light Rail high on cost and light on service; Waste Transfer Station for Banksmeadow; Sydney Airport Master Plan.

34 Autumn-2013 NSW Ports P/L the consortium that now owns Port Botany; Max-Moore Wilton, Chairman of Sydney Airports, on trams; Orica Mercury Review; Adapting to Climate Change Ports Report; Stern Report underestimated Climate Change Risks; First International Conference on Global Food Security; Latest Population Stats for Randwick; Diary Dates.

33 Summer-2012 Freight to outstrip population growth 10:1; Ports Assets Bill; Our Local Post offices; Coal Seam Gas; Disabled Fishing opportunities; Clean Beaches.

32 Spring-2012 A global success story – Protection of the Ozone Layer; Jennifer Street Development; Market Gardens support; More foreign plants; Molineux; Arctic Ice sheet.

31 Winter-2012 Little Bay Cove Development; La Perouse Market Gardens

30 Autumn-2012 Connect the Dots; Obama’s need to make more progress in Rolling Stone; Emissions and Meat; Green Manufacturing – Earthworker Cooperative; Top Carbon Emitters; Blue Carbon; Climate Commission; Planning decision on Southlands; Market Gardens Photography; EPA Board

29 Summer-2011. 2012 Year of the Farmer; Southlands Sustainable Cemetery??; Sydney Ports Marshalling Yard; Orica Inquiry; Reporting Pollution in Congwong Bay; Major Developments around Eastgardens – Denison Street; Environment Day; Chief Scientist declares Orica’s HCB Stockpile an unacceptable risk.

28 Winter-2011 Climate Change is Real and at Kooloora’s back door; Pricing Carbon; Ursula Sladek wins Goldman Environmental Prize for renewables; The Times they are a Changin’ as they did on Easter Island; Botany Bay and Catchment Water Quality Improvement Program; Henry Head to Cape Banks Trail; 50th Anniversary of Vickers Vicount crash in Botany Bay; Greater emphasis on marine protection; Council proposes to rezone Market Gardens Primary Production Small Rural Lot.

27 Autumn-2011 Made in Australia – HCB stockpile; Lessons from the Floods; Biological Control of Bitou in Botany Bay National Park; The Green Thing – blog & electric delivery vans; Botany Bay National Park weeds, ferals and fire hazards; Freight Challenges including Moorebank; Huntsman fined.

26 Summer-2010 Sydney’s Container Growth; Malabar Waste Water Treatment Plant; Major Hazard Facilities; Qenos Flare; Solar Energy Research; Beachwatch Report 2010; Opening Port Botany Boat Ramp; Orica finally responds to Flooding Report.

25 Spring-2010 Trigona carbonaria for Bilga (‘nest of bees’); Sustainable Recreation in National Park; Sustainable Growth and Gifts; Unsustainable Land Use – Chinese Market Gardens; Unsustainable Development – Orica Southlands; Unsustainable Trade – HCB; Sustainable Tourism – John Cann and a centrefold – the Kooloora Garden Concept Design

24 Winter 2010 Peter Garrett’s Kingsford Smith – the Forgotten Bay and its Forgotten People; Booralee – Sydney’s First Fishing Village in Botany where Fishing is now Banned; The Greatest Moral Challenge of Our Time; Death by Flying Fox; End of An Era – Cann Snake Show; Whale at Bare Island 1965; The Truck Numbers Don’t Add Up.

23 Autumn 2010 Autumn 2010 Celebrating Achievements in Health, Safety and Environment (Qenos Olefines winners); Xin Yan Tai Super Container Ship in Botany Bay; The Failure of Free-Market Economics; Our Home Grown Applebys; Christmas Special from Premier; Clean Up Australia Day; Focus on Freight for Rudd

22 Summer 2009 Saving the Mary Our Local Connection; Petrol the Last Hurrah – Electric Car: Clean Beaches Award

21 Spring 2009 The latest issue of Environmentally Speaking asks whether the National Parks Service is capable of managing Malabar Headland given its track record in Botany Bay National Park at La Perouse.

20 Winter 2009 The 5 year retrospective: 2004-2009 – Port Botany, Orica, Prince Henry (Community Assets and Services, Helicopter Base, Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub), UNSW at Little Bay, Botany Bay Cable and Desalination, Vopak.

19 Autumn 2009 The latest issue of Environmentally Speaking featuring: Botany Bay Cable – call for Federal Government Environmental Scrutiny; Prince Henry – Council didn’t embrace the residents concerns for Health Centre and commercial facilities; Call to quarantine Orica Southlands until Aquifer is cleaned up; Rising Sea Levels and the impacts on critical infrastructure; coming events.

18 Summer 2008 contains a lead story on the bid for an Environmental Offset from Orica; Land & Environment Court at Prince Henry as well as Heritage and Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub; Trucks in Matraville; Little Congwong Award for Little Bay Cubs.

17 Spring 2008 First Congestion Tax in Australia at Port Botany;Food Miles & Fair Miles; Trailer Parking Ban; Desal; Botany Bay Cable; Walk Against Warming; Buy Nothing Day; Prince Henry plus special Garnaut garnaut-special-for-environmentally-speaking

16 Winter 2008 “Transforming Orica’s Southlands Reclaiming a Small Corner of Botany”; “Greens or Graves”; “Turning Around the Queen”; “New State Environmental Planning Policy”; “Botany Bay Going Cheap”; Blast from the Past; Coming Events.

15 Autumn 2008 Destroying our Bays-Botany & Port Phillip; Biosecurity; Year of the Frog; Orica; Walking Coastal Sydney; Grocery Footprint

14 Summer 2007 Peter Garrett Minister for Environment; Randwick Recreation Needs Study; Skels on Foreshore; Port Expansion; Epiphany

13 Spring 2007 Buy Nothing Day; Vopak Biodiesel; Clean up Little Congwong

12 Winter 2007 Little Congwong, Freight; Clean Beach Challenge; Worst Polluters in Sydney; IPART Port Botany Inquiry; Botany Bay Trail; Botany Bay Cable

11 Autumn 2007 Earth Hour; Dwelling Targets; Little Terns and Penrhyn; Climate Change

10 Summer 2006 Port Traffic around to Little Bay; Penrhyn Estuary; NSW State Plan; Desalination; Transport; Botany Bay Cable; Fencing our Community UNSW

9 Spring 2006 Climate Change and Peak Oil- Business as Usual; Tourism unsustainable; National Freight Strategy

8 Winter 2006 Sydney Ports and Competition; Prince Henry; Cape Banks Helibase; BiCentennial Park funding; Seagrass Monitoring; Botanical Bites

7 Autumn 2006 Frankie the Fixer vs Max the Axe; NPI Pollution Index; Heavy Vehicles; M5 East Tunnel Pollution; Fishing Ban Sydney Harbour; Bound for Botany Bay Bile Ride; Ecoliving Centre UNSW

6 Summer 2005 ‘Barrie’s old Cardie fits you really well, Morris’; Draft Lower Hunter Strategy; Toxic Triangle of Southern Sydney; Beachwatch

5 Spring 2005 Desalination & Nuclear Power; Mower pollution; Myths of Port Expansion; Aircraft Pollution; Choppers at Cape Banks

4 Winter 2005. NPI Pollution Index; Fisheries Fees; Orica Meetings; Consumption; Freight Hub Vision; BiCentennial Park Dump

3 Autumn 2005 Sydney On Empty (Sustainability and the Expansion of Port Botany)

2 Summer 2004. Walk from Little Bay to Cape Banks; Orica Update; Community Greening

1 Autumn 2004 2036 Sydney’s Cinderella