Over 200 attended the Annual Receveur Mass, celebrated by St. Andrews, Malabar with Rev. Dr Chris Shorrock from Melbourne officiating. Randwick City Council sponsored the marquee and a Sausage Sizzle was provided by the Sydney Seaside Lions Club with drinks from Friends of the Laperouse Museum.
The Mayor Ted Seng, and the Consul General for France, Eric Berti joined by the Commander of La Glorieuse, Lieutenant Ghislain Deleplanque laid wreaths on the tomb. Also in attendance were Matt Thistlethwaite, the member for Kingsford Smith, Michael Daley the Member for Maroubra and Councillors Brendan Roberts and Geoff Stevenson.

From Frank Carleton on the 8am Mass
Mass in the traditional Latin rite of the Catholic Church, so ancient as to have been the only Mass rite known to St. Francis of Assisi (ca. 1181 - 1226) was celebrated on the verandah of the Laperouse Museum on Sunday, February 15th at 8am. The celebrant here shown
in the Laperouse Monument enclosure on another day before the Commemoration is Father Raphael du Chazaud SSPX who is the same age as was Père Receveur at Botany Bay in 1788.
Born in Versailles Fr. du Chazaud is a native of Paris who arrived in Australia in 2011 and is stationed at Corpus Christi Church, Tynong, Victoria. His grandfather was a French naval doctor in Indo China.
The occasional sermon in French and English, which focused on the inception of the traditional Mass rite by the two priests of the Laperouse Expedition at Botany Bay in 1788, included the following observations:
“… nous sommes ici pour témoigner de notre amour pour la Sainte Messe, dans ce rite venerable que les aumoniers de La Perouse utilise ici-même, il y a 222 ans”.
“When we are at Mass we are outside of History. Holy Mass is indeed the intrusion and irruption of God into time.”
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