
Rediscover Sydney’s beautiful La Perouse with a day of free family entertainment, live music, cultural tours and watch the Queen’s Baton Relay arrive.

SUN 4 FEB 2018 9:30am - 6pm

La Perouse, corner Endeavour Avenue and ANZAC Parade

Free, No bookings required, Email [email protected]


When What
9.30am - 3pm Blak Markets on Bare Island
10am - 3pm Tours of the La Perouse Museum & Morse Code Demos
1.30pm - 6pm Snake show
1pm - 3pm Games on the lawn
2.30pm Aboriginal dance and performances
4.30pm Casey Donovan performs live
5.30pm Queen’s Baton Relay arrives
Parking and traffic information

Parking at La Perouse:

  • Parking near the event site will be limited and managed
  • Some parking areas in the Loop will be reserved to facilitate the staging of the event
  • Access into and out of the Loop from 4pm until 6pm will be restricted
  • Roads leading into La Perouse from Little Bay along ANZAC Parade and Bunnerong Road between 5pm and 5.30pm will be under Police control, guests are advised to arrive at the site prior to 3.30pm
  • People are encourage to find other methods of transport such as walking or parking legally near the event site
  • Bus timetables are likely to be impacted – for more information on bus services please visit Transport NSW