Wrecks Room Mural

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATitled Le Dernier Soupir (The Last Sigh), the ceiling mural by Francois Olivier Cosnefroy depicts floating images from La Boussole. The work was commissioned by the Laperouse Association for the Australian Bicentenary in 1988.

Futher details from the Artist Components of the Mural: WEB Astrolabe Mast 2 WEB Astrolabe WEB Astrolabe Wig WEB Astrolabe Globe

WEB Astrolabe Mast



WEB Astrolabe Standard






Up until the summer of 2009 the Wrecks Room contained a replica of the anchor from L’Astrolabe (1964) donated by the French Navy, items donated by Reece Discombe, such as an original millstone and pulley, as well as interpretation on the walls. The window is textured to create an underwater effect.

Today the Wrecks Room is empty, the walls have been painted and only the mural remains. The anchor is downstairs in one room with the millstone in another shoved into a corner with the pulley loose on the floor nearby.

The items, (Photo left - as it appears today; right - as it was).


















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