Bronze Sculpture of Laperouse by Ante Dabro presented by Gough Whitlam

WEB Laperouse Bust

The small bust or maquette was modelled from 17th and 18th century images of Laperouse. It was presented to the Museum by former Prime Minister Mr Gough Whitlam on behalf of the National Council for the Celebration of the Bicentenary of the French Revolution, December 12, 1989.

Laperouse in ParisAnte Dabro was born in Croatia, trained as a sculptor in Zagreb and arrived in Australia in 1967. From 1971 he taught sculpture at the ANU School of Art. Dabro has held numerous solo exhibitions in Australia and overseas. Major public commissions include the Australian Naval Memorial on Anzac Parade in Canberra and his bust of Laperouse which stands on the banks of the Seine River not far from the Eiffel Tower in Paris (see left). This was presented by Prime Minister Bob Hawke on 19th June, 1989, to Jacques Chirac when Mayor of Paris. Transcript of Bob Hawke’s Speech in Paris.