La Perouse Loop

9th November 2011

UPDATE: 24th January 2012. (Photo Left) Workers today are cutting kerbing – laid 10 weeks ago – to provide access for wheelchairs and prams. Why couldn’t this have been planned and the expense avoided. ( Photo Far left – plans which show bus turning circle retained and green corridor (now parking lots) opposite entry to National Park between Elaroo and Endeavour/Goorawahl. According to Mr Jorde Frangoples, Director City Services, the grassing of the area where the buses used to turn and the adjacent parking was in response to a request from the La Perouse Precinct Committee.

According to Randwick Council The community has insights, skills, knowledge and experience which are valued by Council. This community resource can be used to improve Council’s outcomes. Effective community consultation enhances democratic processes, good decision making and good management.

All good words but do they put this into practice? Above is the Plan of the Anzac Parade upgrade at La Perouse found on Randwick Council’s website. Below are photos taken today of what is actually being constructed. There will be 90 degree angle parking bays on the western side of Anzac parade opposite the existing 90 degree angle parking bays on the east. With traffic queued back to Yarra Junction and cars entering and leaving car spaces it is going to exacerbate the difficulties already experienced when accessing the northern entry to Goorawahl and Endeavour.

There has been no consultation with affected residents on this very recent change to the plans. Earlier this year more than 60 parking spaces were deleted to make way for a ‘People Park’ next to the bus terminus. This parking arrangement didn’t interfere with residents in Endeavour and Goorawahl and the drivers and their passengers were closer to the commercial area and beaches. Was the decision to delete those spaces taken for the greater good? No. Was the decision to delete the bus turning circle taken for the greater good? No. Has there been consultation with those affected? No. Google earth photo showing previous parking Photo below shows new kerbing and guttering at the bus terminus. Bus had dropped passengers at the snake pit opposite the terminus. Passengers then had to cross road and mount the footpath where there has been no provision made for pram and wheelchair access.




Energy Australia completed the works at La Perouse around Christmas 2010. They started in April 2009.