Le contre-admiral Anne Cullerre and Ambassador H.E. Mr. Stéphane Romatet inspecting the guard- 9/10/13
Exhbition by The Official Painter of the French Navy (Peintre de la Marine), Mme Marie Détrée
11 Friday Oct 2013
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Le contre-admiral Anne Cullerre and Ambassador H.E. Mr. Stéphane Romatet inspecting the guard- 9/10/13
Exhbition by The Official Painter of the French Navy (Peintre de la Marine), Mme Marie Détrée
07 Monday Oct 2013
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The French Consul-General, Eric Berti, with support from the Friends hosted Capitaine de frégate Jean-René Degans and crew members from le Vendémiaire on their visit to La Perouse today. Le Vendémiaire is in Sydney as part of the International Fleet Review celebrations in Sydney. Among the guests were the Member for Kingsford Smith, Matt Thistlethwaite, the Deputy Mayor of Randwick, Anthony Andrews and his wife Samia, and former NSW Minister for Arts (1988-1995) Peter Collins. Commander Degans presented Vendémiaire plaques to the Friends and to Randwick City council. Slyvie Humphries sang La Marseillaise, Advance Australia Fair, and as well as Eternal Father, Strong to Save (a hymn for sailors) and La Brigade Française, 1er Régiment d’Artillerie de la Marine, and 21th Régiment de Ligne - Brigade Irlandaise provided the musket and cannon salute (see video below). The Official Painter of the French Navy (Peintre de la Marine), Mme Marie Détrée took photographs which she will turn into paintings. Courtesy of the Military College Duntroon, three young Saint-Cyriens, in full dress uniform, also participated in the official ceremony. This is the first time that officer cadets from Saint-Cyr have been at the Museum (photo above: Capitaine de frégate Jean-René Degans and two Saint-Cyriens in Museum).
Salute from La Brigade Française
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