
Following is a small selection of recommended references including the Journals of Laperouse and books which provide context to the history of exploration and the enlightenment.

Selected References:

Dunmore, J. Ed. & Trans.(1995) La Perouse, Jean-Francois de Galaup de, The Voyage of Jen-Francois de Galaup de La Perouse, 1785-1788, Hakluyt Society, London.

Riviere, Marc Serve Ed. & Tans. (1999) The Governor’s Noble Guest: Hyacnthe de Bougainville’s Account of Port Jackson, 1825, trans. and ed. Miegunyah Press, Melbourne, 1999.

Dunmore, J. (2006). Where Fate Beckons: The life of Jean-François de la Pérouse. Auckland, New Zealand

General histories of Exploration

Novaresio, Paolo (1996). The Explorers. Stewart, Tabori & Chang, NewYork

Vovelle, M. trans. Cochrane, L. (1997) Enlightenment Portraits University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Chapter 7 is titled “The Explorer” by Marie-Noelle Bourguet.

Wright, Ed (2008) Lost Explorers, Murdoch Books, Sydney.

General Account of early settlement:

Hill, D. (2009) 1788 The Brutal Truth about the First Fleet, William Heinemann, Sydney.

Diary Accounts of the first 6 weeks of settlement:

Collins, D. (1798) An account of the English Colony in New South Wales, London 1798 reprinted A.H. & A.W. Reed in association with the Royal Australian Historical Society, Sydney, 1974.

Hunter, J., An Historical Journal of Events at Sydney and at Sea, 1787-1792, John Stockdale, London, 1793, reprinted Angus & Robertson in association with the Royal Australian Historical Society, Sydney, 1968. Includes the Journal of Governor King.

Protos, Alec, Ed. (1988) The Road to Botany Bay: The story of Frenchmans Road Randwick through the Journals of Laperouse and the First Fleet Writers, Randwick and District Historical Society, Randwick, 1988.

Tench, W. (1788) Comprising a Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay and a Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson, ed. Tim Flannery, Text Publishing, Melbourne. 1996

White, J. (1790) Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, J. Dabrett, London.

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