French First Encounters

During the six weeks that the Laperouse Expedition was camped on the headland they were responsible for establishing the first garden in the new colony, the first observatory, building the first wooden boats, sending off the first post, celebrating the first Christian services, and making geological observations.

More details: The Road to Botany Bay: The story of Frenchman’s Road Randwick through the journals of La Perouse and the first fleet writers / Alec Protos (ed.) (Revised Edition, RDHS 2000) 32pp. $8.00 available from the Randwick and District Historical Society


1 thought on “French First Encounters”

  1. Dominique Bley said:

    Il est émouvant de retrouver, ici en Russie, très loin de chez eux, des explorateurs comme Lapérouse et Ternay au service de la science et du Bien Commun de l’humanité.

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