Laperouse Expedition

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Carte_voyage du La Perouse

Published on May 17, 2017
Lapérouse belongs to the restricted circle of exceptional explorers, such as Marco Polo, James Cook …

1785, Louis XVI entrusts to the Captain of Lapérouse the charge of the largest expedition of discovery around the globe. On board the two ships, “La Boussole” and “L’Astrolabe”, sailors, officers and scientists will travel all the oceans, in all latitudes and all times. In 1788, the sailor and his 220 crew members sank in the South Pacific.
“The mystery Lapérouse” was born and one of the most fascinating investigations of the history would begin.
For the past 25 years, the research expedition led by the Salomon Association has brought to light the fate of the famous and legendary Expedition Lapérouse.
The films of the last three great expeditions conducted on the spot of the sinking.
Music: “Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra In a Major, K. 622: II. Adagio” by Vlastimil Mareš, Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra & Libor Pesek

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