Sacre bleu! French invasion plan for Sydney
VIDEO: James Hancock reports on how Sydney Cove could have looked very different (7pm TV News SA)
Historians have often speculated that until Nelson defeated Napoleon’s navy at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, France had plans to invade Sydney.
Now researchers from Adelaide University say they have proof.
For the first time they have translated into English a confidential report from one of the explorers on the Nicholas Baudin expedition of the early 1800s.
Francois Peron, the chief zoologist and intellectual leader of the expedition, authored the draft report in 1802, 14 years after Port Jackson was established.
But until now, only sections have been translated into English.
Associate Professor John West-Sooby heads the Discipline of French Studies at Adelaide University and went to France to see the document. Continue reading
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