La Perouse Museum and Headland Trust

Note: Lease Agreement was signed 5th September, 2017

It is proposed that Randwick City Council will enter a lease agreement, in June 2014, with the NSW Government to manage the Laperouse Museum, Laperouse Monument, Receveur Grave, Macquarie Watchtower and surrounding open space.

A Trust has been established to advise Randwick City Council:

Terms of Reference as at 9 December 2013

To achieve the overall aim the Trust will provide to Council:
 input in the development of business plans for the Museum and the Site;
 input for the planning and use of the Museum and the Site;
 comment on the proposed future direction of the Museum and the Site;
 recommendations and proposed policies designed to enhance the historical and cultural significance of the Site;
 a review of policies and plans for the Museum and the Site;
 input into the preparation of briefs from Council to experts to undertake various studies for the Museum and the Site;
 input into the public information to be made available regarding the Museum and/or the Site;
 input and participation in the community consultation processes relevant to the management/future direction of the Museum and/or the Site.

Committee Members

Mayor of Randwick: Councillor Lindsay Shurey

3 Councillors selected annually by Council: Councillors Christie Hamilton, Danny Said and Anthony Andrews

Representative of NPWS:

French Consul-General: Nicolas Croizer

La Perouse Aboriginal Land Council appointed for maximum 2 years:

Friends of the Laperouse Museum appointed for maximum 2 years: Mrs Carol Abela

Independent community representative with expertise in heritage conservation appointed by Council (paid position): Petula Samios

Council Officers to provide advice: Sima Truuvert

First meeting 16 December 2013 and then quarterly. Adopted minutes of Trust meetings will be documents of record available to the public.

1 thought on “La Perouse Museum and Headland Trust”

  1. “In June 2104, Randwick City Council will enter a lease agreement…”

    That’s a long time to have to wait. 🙂

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