
NOTE: The new Plan of Management came into effect 28th January 2020. National Parks have made provision in this new Plan for access fees to be charged at La Perouse (page 25, 14(c)) Randwick Council were asked to object to this provision but did not, despite the fact that Randwick ratepayers have already taken on responsibility for the cost of operations and maintenance of the Museum, monuments and surrounding grounds.

The National Parks Plan of Management for Kamay Botany Bay National Park which was written in 2000 is now being revised. You can have your say on priorities for the new plan. Submissions close 2nd August 2018 - details at this link

You are invited to attend a stakeholder workshop to have your say on the draft master plan and draft plan of management for Kamay Botany Bay National Park. At these workshops, NPWS staff and engagement consultants Context will be available to explore issues and seek your feedback on future management of the park. We encourage stakeholder groups to send 1 or 2 representatives to participate in a workshop. We are offering two separate workshops: Thursday 28 June, Kensington Park Community Centre, Hall 2, 1 Day Lane, Kensington from 3.30pm - 6pm
Wednesday 27 June Kamay Botany Bay National Park Visitor Centre, Cape Solander Drive, Kurnell from 1.30pm - 4pm Pleas
e let the organisers know which workshop you would like to attend. email: [email protected] phone: 02 9542 0619

National Parks manage most of the public open space at La Perouse (all except Frenchman’s Bay, Timbery and Cann Parks). National Parks are responsible for Congwong and Little Congwong beaches, Cape Banks, the Military Heritage at Henry Head and Cape Banks, The Minmi Wreck, the Depression Camp heritage in Happy Valley, the Historic Coast Cemetery, Brown’s Rock Fishing Platform, the Laperouse Museum within the Cable Station, the Receveur tomb, Laperouse Monument*, Macquarie Watchtower, Bare Island and Astrolabe and Cruwee Coves. They are responsible for keeping down weeds such as bitou, protecting native fauna and flora (including Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub) and eradicating feral animals which prey on native animals or destroy native vegetation. National Parks are responsible for toilets overlooking Congwong Bay and the toilets at Cape Banks(not open to the public).

NOTE: The Cable Station, Monuments (Laperouse, Receveur, Watchtower) and land within the La Perouse Loop are leased to Randwick City Council until 2058. However, this area remains part of the National Park and is subject to the Kamay Botany Bay Plan of Management.

There is also an opportunity for the Plan of Management to link the marine environment, as has been done at Bouddi National Park

Report on Tourism at La Perouse (2010)






Congwong Bay Toilets

Bitou in light green
