

The first geological observation recorded in the new colony was the sighting of columnar sandstone. This discovery was made some time between 26 January and 26 February 1788 and was recorded by John Hunter as ‘(in miniature) resembling the Giants Causeway in the north of Ireland’. A Journal Paper, with lead author Dr Peter Rickwood, was published in December 2011.

Dr Rickwood presented a talk about his research to Friends and guests at the Laperouse Museum last Saturday, October 14th 2017. He was welcomed by the President, Nicole Forrest Green. Guests included Professor Ivan Barko, Doug Morrison, and President of the Randwick and District Historical Society, Lesley Potter. Samples of local columnar sandstone were provided by Charles and Carol Abela.

Doug Morrison, Ivan Barko, Peter Rickwood

Doug Morrison at possible site for the French Garden



Peter Rickwood and Greg Bond discussing geological formation in Frenchman’s Bay and possible site of Laperouse Expedition latrines
