10.30 AM– 12.00 Noon

La Perouse has witnessed many events significant in our National History - from Indigenous Australians to the arrival of James Cook, the First Fleet and the Expedition of Laperouse. The Rum Trade flourished with the arrival of the Second Fleet and La Perouse became the first Customs Outpost in Australia.

Later the headland would provide communication between Australia and NZ and later the fear of enemy attack saw the development of defences to protect important local infrastructure. But, there is a lot more!

Join a walk with Committee member Greg Bond to view the landscape and colonial structures that reflect a diverse local history on this 191st Anniversary of the foundation of the Laperouse Monument by the Baron de Bougainville.

This is a free activity sponsored by the Friends of the Lapérouse Museum

Meet: on the verandah, Laperouse Museum at 10.15

Following the walk –tea / coffee, etc. will be provided. Gold Coin donation appreciated.

Activity involves walking around La Perouse Headland on grassed, uneven and paved surfaces. Slip, slop slap.

RSVP / Further information: Greg Bond Ph: 9661 5431 / 0418 628730
[email protected]
