The Père Receveur Mass is hosted each year by the St. Andrews Catholic Church of Malabar to honour the memory of Père Receveur who died at Botany Bay in 1788 during the visit of the Laperouse Expedition.
The mass is held at the front of the Laperouse Museum commencing at 11.00 am sharp. A marquee is provided by Randwick City Council and seating will be available. However you may wish to bring your own folding chair. The Friends are assisting on the day and will be manning a table with free water, cordial. The Seaside Lions Club will provide a sausage sizzle.
Enquiries: laperousemuseum (at) hotmail.com
Due to limited parking at La Perouse it is advisable to arrive at least half an hour before the event.
As the Convenor of the original Pere Receveur Commemoration Committee from late 1986 to 2003-04 I advise that the authentic Pere Receveur Commemoration, which has occurred every year since 1988 on Sunday February 16th at 8 am on the verandah of the Laperouse Museum.
As usual it will take the form of Mass in the traditional Latin rite of the Catholic Church celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X. This rite would not have been unfamiliar to both priests and all other members of the Laperouse Expedition.
This annual event commemorates the inception of the Mass in Australia by the two priests of the Laperouse Expedition between the 26th January and 10th March,1788
including a presumed Requiem Mass for Pere Laurent Receveur after his death on February 17th by his surviving confrere the Abbe Jean-Andre Mongez.
This year I intend to issue a comprehensive account of the Pere Receveur Commemoration and the covert and historically illiterate opposition to it.
Frank Carleton