

Viaggio di Lapérouse intorno al mondo. Jean François de Galaup Conte di Lapérouse (1741-1788) LIBRO + CD

An amazing feat told by one of the most important travelers of the Enlightenment


The book presents insights on the figure of the Count of Lapérouse and the evolution of techniques for mapping. The grants, aimed both at specialists to the general public, are intended to introduce the reader to discover the digital reproduction of the ‘nineteenth-century Italian edition of “Lapérouse trip around the world (1785-1788).”

Volume realized thanks to the prestigious patronage and the valuable collaboration of the International Association Association Lapérouse Albi France and the Alliance Française Italie.

ISBN 9788896626147 - Size 13 x 18 - Paperback - pp. 84th


The draft digital edition of the book “Voyage of Lapérouse around the world (1785-1788)” was born from the ambitious idea to offer to public attention a text precious and rare. The publication is in fact a proposal with all faults and imperfections, like errors of layout and text that characterize an ancient volume, of which he wanted to keep the charm of pages yellowed over time. The use of the digital medium allows the reader to browse through the page flip effect four volumes appreciating all the features of the original, while making use of the opportunities offered by new technologies, such as close-up view of the details.
