The Land and Environment Court met at Prince Henry this morning with community members turning up to support Randwick Council’s fight to make Stockland stick to the agreed Masterplan. Charles, Janice and Diane from the La Perouse Precinct Committee outlined the major concerns. It had taken extensive consultation with the community to arrive at the Masterplan. It is inappropriate to increase the height levels at the entry to the development and our need for retailing, services and healthcare was non-negotiable. A resident from Prince Henry supported these concerns and added that he had made his decision to buy into the development based on the Masterplan. After taking evidence the Commissioner was taken on a tour of the site.
Photos L-R: the community gathering for the hearing; in the ‘courtroom’; on tour; looking at the entry; Sewing Room sculpture – situated on the site of the former Heritage listed Sewing Cottage which burnt down under the care of Landcom. This is what is said about the Sewing Room in the Heritage Listing: “Sewing room, formerly Superintendent’s Cottage. A rusticated weatherboard former residence, built c 1915, with shingled sun hoods and fascia, timber verandah and balustrade and a later Marseilles tiled roof. There is a garage of similar date adjacent and a trellis survives, sheltering the rear entrance. ” Link – Prince Henry Hospital This is what is said on the sculpture – ”
This was the site of the sewing machine cottage, a non-discript(sic) little building where sewing of nurses uniforms and general mending of clothing took place in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
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