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180 years ago to the day, the Laperouse Monument was completed. The monument and the Receveur Tomb were the brainchild of Hyacinthe de Bougainville who laid the foundation stone for the monument on September 6, 1835. Governor, Sir Thomas Brisbane, himself a man of science, generously granted the land on which the Monument and the Tomb now stand. Marc Riviere provides a full account of this in “The Governor’s Noble Guest” and here is a link to a paper on the subject: “In Honour of a Fellow Explorer” To celebrate the occasion and also the 220th anniversary of l’expédition La Pérouse à Botany Bay the Capitaine de Vaisseau Bruno Juet, Commander Benoît Rouvière, unveiled a plaque.

Later in the day the 90th anniversary of the Armistice was celebrated at Memorial Park, Soldiers Settlement Matraville.
